Simplify Your Reading with Simpleread

Seamlessly organize, import, and enjoy distraction-free reading. Perfect for eBook lovers.

Features of Simpleread


Distraction-Free Reading

We prioritize a clean and distraction-free reading environment. Enjoy your books without ads, pop-ups, or unnecessary banners.


Fully Customizable Interface

Adjust themes, fonts, language, and layout to make your reading experience truly your own. Settings are always just a click away.


Swift Note-Taking

Capture key insights and favorite passages instantly with the Shift + S shortcut. Perfect for building a library of ideas.


Intuitive integrations

Here are some of the features available in the current BETA.

Tablet view of Simpleread showing 'Alice in Wonderland' with customizable reading options.
Phone view of Simpleread showing detailed notes for 'The Art of War' with annotations.

Automatic Scroll

You can automatically scroll through the pages.

Instant Translation

You can translate any foreign text into your prefered language.

Built-in Dictionary

You can receive a definition of any word you select.


You can listen to your book being narrated by a high-quality AI voice.

Cloud Sync

You can access your books across all of your devices.


We are still in BETA

This is only the beginning. Expect many new features coming soon.

Mobile view of Simpleread's digital library in BETA, showing a grid layout with book titles and covers.

Yes, it’s free

Everything's free of charge until the official release, no strings attached.

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